WORLDWIDE SALES (A-Z List) The estimations are result of an average of my estimations and the chart expert MJDANGEROUS * estimations, thanks to him.
This section of the site want to collect all worldwide sales estimation from the past. In future when the collection of data will be bigger the organization of this page will change, with a-z lists, top sellers by decade, by year etc..
* for see his estimations visit
WORLDWIDE SALES (Top-Down List) for artists and albums already in a-z list
Section "Under Construction".
WORLDWIDE SALES (Top-Down List) - RYM-Graphic Version
Is a huge and long work so i will update sporadically in the time.
LEGEND: "S/C"--> S= Studio Album / C=Compilation/Live/EP/etc..
"+/-"--> "+" indicate that the sales could be higher / "-" indicate that the sales could be a bit inflated
!!-this are estimations using varius sources (forums,sites etc..some of this are on "links" page)-!!